AMAKS Ust ' -Kachka Perm region
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Biliary dyskinesia with prevalence of spasm

For patients with biliary dyskinesia shows the treatment in sanatorium conditions. Usually assigned galvanization or electrophoresis, physiotherapy, special diet, herbal medicine, particularly effective treatment of mineral waters. Shahteral water help to normalize the process of choleresis and delchevalerie, and in combination with other Spa events makes an even greater positive effect.

Method of treating dyskinesia in a greater degree depends on the form of the disease, although there are General guidelines to combat this disease. A necessary condition for recovery – right diet, regular meals, at least 4 times a day. It is also important to avoid physical and mental stress. Often to combat biliary dyskinesia prescribed medication.

Ust ' -Kachka offers treatment special programs designed. One of the main treatments – baths (pearl, hydrogen sulfide, etc.), as well as electroaerosol therapy bromide water . Good effect, have a circular shower and inductothermy.

In the resort of Ust-Kachka patients mandatory prescribed physiotherapy and professional massage that helps to improve the General condition of the body. Our doctors are not only competent in their field, but are able to establish with patients emotional contact, that is equally important.


  • Cicatricial narrowing of the esophagus, pylorus and of the intestine with impaired patency, stricture of the common bile duct and duct of the gallbladder.
  • Ulcers disease stomach and duodenal ulcer in acute phase, complications of peptic ulcer disease subcompencirovanna stenosis, recurrent bleeding over the past 8-10 months, penetration of gastric ulcer.
  • Gastritis rigid antral polyps of the stomach menetrier disease (hypertrophic gastritis).
  • Complications after gastric surgery: non-healing postoperative scar, fistula, syndrome resulting loops, dumping and hypoglycemic syndrome in severe, atony of the stomach stump.
  • Enterocolitis with severe malnutrition, cachexia.
  • Chronic dysentery, ulcerative colitis, chronic colitis with extensive ulcerative or erosive process in a straight or sigmoid colon, bleeding hemorrhoids, polyposis of the intestine.

Treatment Results

According to the results of treatment, patients noted improvement in General condition and relieve the symptoms of the disease for a long time. Regular visits to the sanatorium, ensures the stabilization and "smooth functioning" of the biliary tract.

The consequences of not treating

In the absence of proper treatment, the disease can lead to complications such as chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, gastritis, pancreatitis.
Biliary dyskinesia is a disease in which there is a disturbance in the contraction of the walls of the gallbladder and, consequently, violated the timely separation of bile into the intestine. The most common causes for the appearance of dyskinesia of the biliary tract become irregular and improper diet, diseases of the digestive system, the effects of medication, hormonal failure, problems with food allergies.
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