AMAKS Ust ' -Kachka Perm region
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Application application of "Tambukansky" mud

Application application of “Tambukan” mud, or more simply, local mud therapy with Tambukan mud. This procedure stimulates regenerative processes in skin lesions
It uses disposable sulphide silt mud applications from the Tambukan Lake in the Stavropol Territory. The process increases the temperature of exposure to one-time applications with a thermocompress (heating pad) prevents thermal irritation, the patient is more easily tolerated by thermal exposure.
The high initial temperature of the thermocompress (hot water bottle) allows you to maintain the desired temperature throughout the procedure within a comfortable, indifferent (35-36 °C) temperature, which is well tolerated by patients.

Indications for use

The main indications for using Tambukan mud are burns, ulcers, wounds, increased sweating, as well as hemorrhoids and prostatitis.


The main contraindications to Tambukan mud can be considered such moments as hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and inflammatory diseases of the skin.

the doctor endocrinologist, doctor of medical Sciences
Zavrajnih Lyubov Arkadyevna
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