AMAKS Ust ' -Kachka Perm region
En Ру


Hivamat is a physiotherapeutic method using an electrostatic field. Such a special kind of hardware massage, when an electric current passes through the body of a massage therapist, focuses on vinyl gloves. In this case, the patient pinches the neutral electrode in his palm.

The active electrode is placed in the glove of the masseur from the back of the palm .. The strength of the current is set individually according to the sensations of vibration under the masseur's glove, the duration is 15-20 minutes, the course is 8 procedures.

Indications for use

This method is used for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, joint stiffness, skin diseases, edema and post-burn scars.


The main contraindication for using this method is the presence of an artificial pacemaker.

the doctor endocrinologist, doctor of medical Sciences
Zavrajnih Lyubov Arkadyevna
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