AMAKS Ust ' -Kachka Perm region
En Ру

Masseur vacuum laser urological "Yarovit"

This massager has a preventive and therapeutic effect on various receptors on the skin of the penis, to eliminate the degenerative changes in the penis and improve the blood supply to the prostate gland.

The principle of operation is based on the creation of air dilution around the penis, placed in a flask, according to special programs, depending on the characteristics of the disease and the dynamics of treatment. As a result of exposure, a full erection occurs.

Indications for use

The massager is used for sexual disorders with erectile dysfunction.


The use of this device is extremely undesirable in acute inflammatory diseases of the urethra and prostate; skin diseases of the penis, mental illness, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.

the doctor endocrinologist, doctor of medical Sciences
Zavrajnih Lyubov Arkadyevna
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