AMAKS "Ust-Kachka" Perm Region
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Reviews of the Ust-Kachka resort

I join the positive reviews, as a regular guest, I consider the resort to be a wonderful place of rest and healing, for which I thank you very much! But there are negative aspects, so booking in advance does not guarantee that you will receive what you have booked in full. You can be directed ( a tone that does not tolerate a rebirth) for dinner from Ural to Russia, motivating by the fact that the dining room that you paid for was rented out for a corporate, well, sold again, but what, but it's more fun for us vacationers of Ural! The sauna Cleopatra, booked for November 21, also left, culturally to the point of outrage, just put in front of the fact. So it turns out that we are not so welcome. And what to do? There is no other Ust-Kachka!

Igor, Berezniki

Dear Igor! Thank you for your feedback. Our task is to make your vacation as comfortable as possible, so we will definitely figure out this situation! We will be glad to see you again!
Good afternoon! My family and I have been vacationing in Ust-Kachka for 2 years in a row - in March 2018 and 2019. We stayed in the building "Rus", in the studio. We had a wonderful time, had fun and were treated. I especially liked the location of the room - close to the aquariums and the pool - we visited it every day! Special thanks to the staff of the children's room of the Rus building - they found an approach to the child, he himself often asked to be taken there. When they began to look at vouchers for March 2020, they found that Rus would be closed for repairs. Also, the unpleasant news was that the "Kama" no longer accommodates guests with children. Because of the children, it will be inconvenient for us to settle in a distant building, and in the "European" a ticket for 4 people is expensive. Can I ask you to settle in the "Kama" with the children for the duration of the repair? I hope for your understanding, your regular customer, M. N. Karchenko.

Margarita Karchenko, Pervouralsk

Dear Margarita! Thank you for choosing the Ust-Kachka resort and for your feedback. Our task is to make your vacation as pleasant and comfortable as possible. We will definitely consider the issue of settling into the Kama building with children. We will be glad to see you again!
I was in the sanatorium Prikamskie Fields from 15.10 to 1.11 2019. I was struck by the large area of the sanatorium. ! 186 hectares - it's amazing! True, I did not see those beautiful flower beds that were in the summer, but I imagine that beauty / behind this lies the huge work of the staff/. The only sanatorium, as far as I know, where a bus runs inside. Beauty! But the most important thing is that people are kind and responsive. Doctors, nurses respond quickly to all requests of patients and solve them in a timely manner, at a high level.I would say about everyone - all these people are in their place. But I especially want to highlight the administrator Kataeva Julia and Olga Popova, who work at the reception desk in the Rus building.They reacted with understanding to the situation that arose and resolved it very professionally and clearly. Many thanks to these beautiful girls and employees from me personally. Keep it up ! Good health and success to all!

Krylov Valery Fedorovich, Ekaterinburg

Dear Valery Fedorovich! Thank you for your feedback. We are very pleased that your stay at the resort has left you with so many positive emotions. The words of gratitude were conveyed to the employees. We will be glad to see you again.
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