AMAKS "Ust-Kachka" Perm Region
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Autoimmune thyroiditis

The main methods of treatment of this disease are climatotherapy and balneotherapy, which is provided by resorts and sanatoriums. The choice of a resort should be carried out taking into account the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland. So, for hypothyroidism, sanatoriums with hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide waters are recommended. And with endemic goiter, it is better to go to places where iodine-bromine waters prevail, for example, to the Ust-Kachka resort.

Treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis in the sanatorium "Ust-Kachka" is a complete correction of the hormone-producing function of the thyroid gland and suppression of autoimmune processes.

The most important stage of therapy is radon–containing baths conducted by the course. The scheme is developed by the doctor individually. Also in Ust-Kachka, massage of the cervical-collar zone is actively practiced and daily walks are recommended. Thyroxine treatment is used as medications.


  • Severe thyrotoxicosis, as well as with pronounced complications (thyrotoxic heart, etc.).
  • Diabetes mellitus in the decompensation stage, with ketoacidosis, with symptoms of a precomatous state, as well as with a labile course (frequent hypoglycemic conditions).
  • Endocrine obesity of organic origin (tumors of the endocrine glands) and any forms of obesity of the IV degree with circulatory insufficiency above the II A of art.
  • Nodular goiter
  • General contraindications that exclude the referral of patients to resorts.

The resort has everything necessary for the complex treatment of thyrioditis. Pleasant atmosphere, clean air, healing water – a banal, but indicative list to describe this place.
Following the doctor's instructions, it is possible to reduce the size of the goiter and extend the remission period. There is an improvement in immunity and normalization of oxygenation

Consequences of lack of treatment

Heart failure, exhaustion of the nervous system, impaired swallowing and even loss of voice.
Аутоиммунныйтиреоидит - хроническое воспаление ткани щитовидной железы, связанное с разрушением клеток железы. Болезнь не имеет ярко выраженных симптомов, выявляется только посредством сдачи клинических анализов и прохождения УЗИ щитовидной железы.

Spa programs

Spa treatment (adults)
from 11 to 21 days
Reduction or elimination of clinical manifestations of the disease, improvement of well-being.
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