AMAKS "Ust-Kachka" Perm Region
Version for
visually impaired
En Ру

Treatment of the consequences of traumatic and inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord in the Ust-Kachka sanatorium

Sanatorium-resort treatment of the consequences of traumatic and inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord consists in the application of a set of procedures. The main ones are the reception of hydrogen sulfide or bromide baths, applications of bromide brine, applications of paraffin or ozokerite on the spine and limbs, therapeutic pool, hydropathy, physiotherapy, massage, electroson (central electroanalgesia), physical therapy classes, morning hygienic gymnastics. Additional procedures are: hirudotherapy, ozone therapy, etc.

Modern equipment and unique natural factors of the resort will have a beneficial effect on your body.


  • Diseases of the nervous system of infectious, vascular, traumatic, demyelinating nature in acute, as well as in any period of the disease, accompanied by severe disorders in the motor sphere, preventing independent movement and significant disorders of the pelvic organs
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Syringomyelia and syringomyelic syndromes with pronounced motor, sensory and trophic disorders
  • Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases of the nervous system in the progressive course of the disease, with motor disorders that prevent independent movement and self-care, with pelvic disorders and dementia.

Treatment results

As a result of the treatment, you will feel a boost of strength for work and a new stage of your life. Improve your immunity, forget about many diseases and gain excellent experience in the treatment of ailments that bother you.

Consequences of lack of treatment

With insufficient attention to timely treatment, you can get an increase in the foci of injury, increased pain. With each missed day, the consequences become less amenable to treatment.
Травматические поражения головного и спинного мозга принято делить на закрытые, при которых целостность кожи не нарушена, и открытые, сопровождающиеся нарушением целостности кожи. Открытые повреждения мозга в свою очередь делятся на проникающие и не проникающие ранения, в зависимости от повреждения твердой мозговой оболочки. При сохранности твердой мозговой оболочки заболевание, как правило, протекает асептически, при повреждении последней, особенно в боевой обстановке, инфицирование почти неизбежно.

Spa programs

from 11 to 18 days
Reduction or disappearance of clinical manifestations of neuroses, depression, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, diseases...
Spa treatment (adults)
from 11 to 21 days
Reduction or elimination of clinical manifestations of the disease, improvement of well-being.
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