AMAKS "Ust-Kachka" Perm Region
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Treatment of post-infarction cardiosclerosis in the Ust-Kachka sanatorium

The goals of sanatorium-resort treatment of post-infarction cardiosclerosis are to slow the progression of heart failure, conduction and heart rhythm disorders, and to prevent the proliferation of connective tissue.

It is impossible to cure the disease, so all the efforts of doctors are spent on maintaining the life and condition of the patient. Diuretics, metabolic agents and beta blockers are prescribed to prevent arrhythmias. Peripheral vasodilators, diuretics, antiarrhythmic drugs, etc. are prescribed.


  • IBS. Angina pectoris of tension III and IV functional class. Unstable angina.
  • The presence of circulatory insufficiency (H) above stage I.
  • Myocarditis of infectious-allergic type and other origin in the active stage.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia: extrasystole- group, polytopic, frequent, paroxysmal cardiac arrhythmias, atrioventricular block above grade I, complete blockage of the legs of the Gis bundle.
  • Obliterating thrombangiitis (endarteritis) with a tendency to generalization, exacerbations or accompanied by migrating thrombangiitis, persistent vasomotor disorders and the presence of fresh ulceration, gangrene.
  • Consequences of septic thrombophlebitis (for at least 1-2 years).
  • Thromboembolic disease.
  • Arterial hypertension of the III degree.

Treatment results

A psychotherapist is actively working with patients. Paying attention to the state of mind, in this case, is just as important as conducting therapy of the affected organ. Therefore, from the obvious results, we can note an improvement in the psychological state of the patient. As a result of surgical intervention, there is an improvement in the functioning of a viable myocardium.

Consequences of lack of treatment

Postinfarction cardiosclerosis is a disease that forces the patient to regularly monitor his condition. Omissions can lead to irreversible consequences – the development of an aneurysm, the removal of which is only possible surgically.
Постинфарктный кардиосклероз – форма ишемической болезни сердца, которая характеризуется частичной заменой сердечной мышцы тканью в исходе инфаркта. У человека появляется одышка, быстрая утомляемость, отеки и нарушается сердечный ритм.

Spa programs

Rehabilitation of Stroke patients in the early recovery period
from 14 to 21 days
Rehabilitation for diseases of the cardiovascular system
from 11 to 21 days
Spa treatment (adults)
from 11 to 21 days
Reduction or elimination of clinical manifestations of the disease, improvement of well-being.
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