AMAKS "Ust-Kachka" Perm Region
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Reviews of the Ust-Kachka resort

I had a rest during the holidays, (a gift from my sons), on March 8, the resort administration gave flowers to all the women, and treated them to wine, a pleasant bonus!As always, I warmly welcomed diets.sister Elena Viktorovna, asked about the quality of the dishes, did you like everything? Diet was still on duty.the sister from the Kama building, Marina Gennadievna, liked the work of the waitress Galina Alekseevna, imperceptibly does her job, the tables are always clean!Please note all the chefs, the dishes are varied, delicious, fresh!I was lucky with the weather, I went skiing, a beautiful track, gained energy! Thanks to the resort!

Ludmila, Perm

We liked everything very much. The food is delicious and varied. The rooms are clean, beautiful and tidy.

Elena, Perm

Every visit to the sanatorium brings a lot of positive emotions. I like absolutely everything. The doctors are just great. The food is excellent. The rooms are clean. The prices are pleasing compared to other sanatoriums. The rooms in the buildings are constantly being improved. The territory is large, there is a place to walk. Thank you all very much. I have no doubt that I will come here more than once.

Marina, Ekaterinburg

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